Valerie Pierce

Valerie Pierce

Founder of 'Clear and Critical Thinking' Training Modules

Professor of Practice, Ashridge Executive Education/ Hult International Business school

Business Owner at Clear Thinking In Action

Described by the Irish Times as a `modern philosopher in the market place`, Valerie Pierce began her career as a training consultant in 1990
whilst carrying out postgraduate research
at Bristol University.

She is author of a number of books

'Focus: The Art of Clear Thinking' published in Ireland (2014)and Middle East (2015)

Number 1 Hodges Figgis

‘Quick Thinking On Your Feet’
published in Ireland (2003), India (2004), Japan (2004), USA (2005), China (2006), Indonesia (2007), and Singapore & Malaysia (2013),

Clear Thinking based courses are different from other `Skills Development` and `Personal Training` Courses. They do not attempt to motivate behavior. Better work practices are brought about through better thinking

The aim of Clear Thinking Courses & Coaching Interventions is to strengthen thinking techniques and so improve work productivity. Whether developing projects, writing reports, training personnel, leading presentations, all output is only as good as the thinking applied to it. A greater awareness and ability to `think critically` and `persuade with confidence` will improve any of the above tasks. The Courses are practical and the Coaching is focused - both always tackling real issues that affect organisations. Learning is thought provoking - candidates enjoy the intellectual stimulation that Clear Thinking In Action provides, and finally all interventions are results driven providing a positive outcome for those who invest energy, time and money.

About Valerie Pierce